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Here’s a simple Python program to demonstrate reading from and writing to binary files:
Writing to a Binary File:
def write_binary_file(filename, data):
with open(filename, 'wb') as file: # 'wb' mode for writing binary
print(f"Data written to {filename} successfully.")
Reading from a Binary File:
def read_binary_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file: # 'rb' mode for reading binary
data = file.read()
print(f"Data read from {filename}: {data}")
return data
Example usage:
# Data to be written (can be text converted to bytes or any binary data)
data_to_write = b'This is some binary data.'
# Writing the data to 'example.bin'
write_binary_file('example.bin', data_to_write)
# Reading the data from 'example.bin'
- wb: Opens the file in binary write mode. If the file doesn’t exist, it creates one. If it exists, it overwrites the content.
- rb: Opens the file in binary read mode. This reads raw binary data.
- The data written is in byte format (b’…’).
This program will write the binary data to a file named example.bin and then read it back to verify the contents.
Python Code Example for Writing and Reading Complex Binary Data:
1. Writing a Binary File (with structured data)
We’ll use Python’s struct module to encode various types of data (like integers, floats, etc.) into binary format. Then, we’ll write this binary data into a file.
import struct
def write_complex_binary_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
# Write an integer (4 bytes), a float (4 bytes), and a string (in bytes).
integer_value = 2024
float_value = 99.99
string_value = "HBSS Academy"
# Pack the integer and float into binary format
binary_data = struct.pack('if', integer_value, float_value) # 'i' for int, 'f' for float
# Write binary data to the file
# Now, let's write the string in binary format
encoded_string = string_value.encode('utf-8') # Convert string to bytes
print(f"Data written to {filename} successfully.")
# Example usage:
2. Reading a Binary File
We need to read the binary data back and decode it into the original types.
def read_complex_binary_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
# Read 8 bytes: 4 for the integer and 4 for the float
binary_data = file.read(8) # First 8 bytes contain integer and float
# Unpack the binary data
integer_value, float_value = struct.unpack('if', binary_data) # 'i' for int, 'f' for float
print(f"Integer value: {integer_value}")
print(f"Float value: {float_value}")
# Read the remaining bytes for the string (assume we know the string length)
remaining_data = file.read() # Read till the end of the file
# Decode the remaining binary data as a UTF-8 string
string_value = remaining_data.decode('utf-8')
print(f"String value: {string_value}")
# Example usage:
Detailed Explanation:
Step 1: Writing to the Binary File
- We use the struct module to pack different data types (like an integer and a float) into binary format. The format specifiers:
- ‘i’ stands for a 4-byte integer.
- ‘f’ stands for a 4-byte float.
- After packing the integer and float, we directly write the bytes to the file using file.write().
- Then we encode the string “HBSS Academy” into bytes using utf-8 encoding and write that to the file as well.
Step 2: Reading from the Binary File
- When reading the file, we first read 8 bytes (4 for the integer and 4 for the float) and unpack them using struct.unpack().
- After that, we read the rest of the file, assuming it’s the string. We decode these bytes back into a string using utf-8 decoding.
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When running the write and read operations, the output would look something like this:
Data written to complex_data.bin successfully.
# Reading data from file:
Integer value: 2024
Float value: 99.98999786376953 # (close to 99.99, slight precision loss due to binary format)
String value: HBSS Academy
Example 2: Writing and Reading an Image as Binary Data
Writing Image Data:
def write_image_binary(input_image, output_filename):
with open(input_image, 'rb') as img_file:
binary_data = img_file.read() # Read entire image as binary data
with open(output_filename, 'wb') as output_file:
print(f"Image binary data written to {output_filename}")
# Example usage:
write_image_binary('input_image.jpg', 'output_image.bin')
Reading the Binary File as an Image:
def read_image_binary(binary_filename, output_image):
with open(binary_filename, 'rb') as binary_file:
binary_data = binary_file.read() # Read binary data from file
with open(output_image, 'wb') as img_file:
img_file.write(binary_data) # Write binary data back to a new image file
print(f"Binary data restored as image: {output_image}")
# Example usage:
read_image_binary('output_image.bin', 'restored_image.jpg')
- In the image example, the binary data of the image is directly read as bytes and written to a file. Then, it can be restored from the binary file back into an image.
This approach can handle larger files, such as media, while the first example demonstrates working with structured binary data.
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