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Source code:
The program is written in high-level language is known as source code. For example C, C++. Source Code is justifiable by people since it has a sentence structure like the English language. Source code is generated by a programmer. Source code woks as an input of a compiler to produce machine learning code. Source code is a source of a computer program. It contains text, symbol, functions, loop and other guidelines which describe how the program is going to work. Projects may contain at least one source code content documents, which can be put away on a PC’s hard circle, in a database, or be imprinted in books of code pieces. Past giving the establishment to programming creation, source code has other significant purposes, also. For instance, gifted clients who approach source code can all the more effectively alter programming establishments, if necessary.
Procedure of writing source code:
Source code allows a user to write a code which is composed by a programmer. The programmer writes a code to perform task for the software. The program is written according to the rules and regulation of the programming language. And this code have actually of no use to machine till then compiler convert the language of a program according to machine desired languages.
Object code
A program which is easy to readable for machine is known as object code. For example assembly language and binary digit code. The object code is produce through the compiler and assembler, which helps the user to convert the source code into object code. Object code needs a system specific platform in which machine understand and read the code. Object code is the system architecture code. Suppose a machine have an object code to run it but it is not possible for another machine to run the same object code until then both machine support same language. Object code is also work as reflected, If the source code is modify and change in the program then it’s need to compile the code each time when the changes are occur in the program. Object file have some common object file format, For example “.exe”.
Procedure of writing object code:
A compiler take the high level programming language code through the programmer, then the converter starts process and make a low level language according to the machine readable after the process it make the output of an object code and deliver to machine
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