C++ is all purpose language. When we will say “all purpose” it means that it is intended to be utilized for creating applications in a wide range of domains. C++ is a mid-level programming language introduced by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs in different types of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various version of UNIX. As a beginner programmer if students can build the concept of c++ then it will be very easy for him to approach the concepts of professional software developers.
Bjarne Stroustrup was working in AT&T Bell Labs in 1979, he see some troubles in investigating UNIX kernel for distributed system frameworks. The current languages were either excessively slow or excessively low level. In this way, he put effort to make another language.
For building this language, he decides to working on C. Since it is a universally useful language and is efficient just as quick in its tasks.
He utilized his skills into object-oriented model from SIMULA and started working at class extension to C. His point was to make a language with far more significant level of reflection while holding the proficiency of C.
This new programming language was named C with Classes, however was later renamed to C++ (++ allows to the addition administrator in C).
Why to learn C++
This is a very useful type of question, which you need to ask before learning the programming languages. It will provide you knowledge of how much benefits you will get by learn the language. C++ is a most useful for students and working professionals to become a great software engineers. We will list down some advantages of learning C++.
Learn the internal architecture of computer
As we know C++ is a mid-level language so it is close to hardware, so you get an opportunity to work at a low level which gives you many controls as far as memory management, better performance and strong programming development. You’ll figure out how the PC memory truly functions, how data is put away in them, how you can recover them, etc. you can also expand your knowledge in the architecture of the computer.
Not Replaceable
With the use of C++ in development of games, OS, search engines and much more, we can say that it is not replaceable. There are major applications that are use this language like Adobe, Amazon and Facebook etc.
C++ is one of the most popular programming languages and desirable for many programming engineers. On the other hand if you are an incredible C++ software engineer, at that point you will never sit without work and you will get generously compensated for your work.
The majority of C++ compilers support ANSI models that make C++ convenient in light of the fact that the code you compose on one operating system can be run on other Operating system without make out any improvement. We can’t state C++ a completely stage free language as specific things in C++ are not compact, for example, drawing designs on a screen, since standard C++ has no graphics or GUI API.
Object oriented
C++ support object oriented programming features, which implies we can utilize the well known OOPs concepts, for example, Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Inheritance in C++ programs, these features make composing code in C++ much simpler.
Applications of C++
As we said before c++ is a most popular language which is used in lots of software development area. We are going to list few of them which are:
Application software developments:
C++ programming can be used in manufactured all the major Operating Systems like Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Aside from the OS, the center piece of numerous programs like Mozilla Firefox and Chrome has been composed using C++. C++ additionally has been used in building up the most well-known database framework called MySQL.
Programming Languages Development:
C++ has been used broadly in growing new programming dialects like C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, UNIX, PHP and Python and so on.
Computation Programming:
C++ is giving very advantages to researcher in light of quick speed and computational efficiencies.
Games Development:
C++ is incredibly quick which allows software engineers to do procedural programming for CPU intensive functions and gives more power over equipment, as a result of which it has been generally utilized being developed of gaming motors.
Embedded System:
C++ is large intensely utilized in creating Medical and Engineering Applications like programming projects for MRI machines, very good quality CAD/CAM frameworks and so on.
First Program of C++
The first program of C++ is “Hello World!” program. You may have seen “Hello World!” is the beginning with any programming language. This is on the grounds that: It is a standard verify in the case of everything is working fine or not. There will be extremely less code to begin with. The less code makes it easier for the beginners to get to know the language. The code is sufficient to get familiar with the essential punctuation and semantics of the language.
How the program works
What is #include <iostream>
This statement includes the header file into the application that you can utilize the tasks remembered for them. Likewise, you can make your own header records and remember them for your program utilizing the #include.
What is using “namespacestd”?
In the event that we hadn’t used the namespace, we’d have write std::cout rather than cout. This tells the compiler that each cout is really std::cout.
Semicolon “;”
The semicolon is a termination command. It terminates a statement. At the point when missed or incorrectly used, it will make a great deal of issues.
int main {}
In a C++ program “int main {}” is compulsory. In the event that you simply have this line of code alone, your program will be legitimate.
cout << “Hello World!”;
The cout is an object of standard output stream. What this means is, it outputs/prints the data after << , i.e. Hello World! into a stream (in this case, the output screen).
What is return 0;?
This is known as an return statement. It isn’t compulsory to return anything from the main() function but is rather a convention. If not return, the compiler restores a status naturally.
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