Photo by Sora Shimazaki
Before starting, First of all you should know what programming languages are and then will discuss about how to learn a programming language.
So basically programming is a set of instructions that must be given to the computer to perform a specific task. Computer is an electronic machine so we cannot talk to the computer in simple English language. Computer only understand binary numbers 0 and 1. So there must be some kind of translators that converts human language to computer language. There are three main types of programming languages.

Photo by Markus Spiske
Machine Language
Machine language is a simple computer language that is in binary form 0 and 1. Computer only understands binary data. Computer must translate each and every word that may be written in english, numeric and alphanumeric etc. to binary number before execution. There are converters used to convert everything into machine language because machine language is difficult to understand and learn. Machine language is not much human friendly. This is the only language that computer understands. Or when we talk about the programming, Programming in Machine language is not an easy task. Programmers need to memorize short codes for each alphabet which is very difficult process.
Assembly Language
We can say that Assembly Language is the better version of machine language. They introduced short codes in Assembly language so programmers don’t have to memorize long binary codes. It is much easier for programmers to work around. Short codes like ADD, MUL etc. introduced to replace machine language instructions. So the question is that computer only understands machine language then how computer understands these codes. So assembler is introduced in Assembly Language to convert these codes in Machine Language
High Level Language
High Level Language is human friendly Programming Language. It is easy to understand. It uses simple english like words to work with. This language is easier to read write and maintain. First high level language were introduced in late 50’s now there are dozens of other high level programming languages. C does not understands high level language directly. Compilers and interpreters are used to translate high level language in to machine language. List of some high level programming languages are: Java, C, C++, Python, C#, PHP, JavaScript etc.
There are some steps you want to take to learn a programming language.
Where to Start
C language is the best language to start with. C language is easy to understand and very user friendly. C language is a general purpose programming language. So for learning basics you must start with C language.
C language was developed at Bell Lab by Dennis Ritchie in between 1972 and 1973. If follows a simple structure. In 1980 it becomes one of the most widely used programming language.
Sources to Learn Programming
You can learn C language or other programming languages from different sources. Sources include internet, workshops and different seminars. From internet you can learn from YouTube by simple searching course with language name. Or you can purchase a course online from website. You can learn a programming language by attending different workshops or seminars.
Learn a Language Completely
Once you learn basics of a programming language. Choose a professional programming language to work with such as JAVA, JavaScript, C#, Python etc. These all are high level programming languages and have highly paid jobs all around the globe. Select a language in this phase and master it. Don’t move around the languages. Just select one in initial phase and master it.
Select a Framework
When you learn a language completely now work with some framework. A framework is a set of tools written for a specific programming language. For example C# is a programming language, Microsoft build .NET Framework to support that language. Frameworks make it easier or more flexible to work with a programming language. So after selecting a programming language you must select a framework to work with.
Write Yourself
Some people just copy paste source codes from internet to avoid difficulties. But this process burns your logics. Try to write code yourself by solving different difficult examples. Search a difficult task from internet and try to solve it yourself without searching from internet because it will help you to solve difficult problems in the future. So two advices here are don’t copy paste everything and try two build logic yourself.
Ask For Help
So if you stuck somewhere don’t get panic just ask for help. You can get help from internet sources such as stack overflow etc. Or you can ask any mentor, teacher or any friend who have experience of programming language. Because if you get stuck at a problem for very long time it would lower down your moral of learning a programming language that is not good. So undoubtedly ask for help.
Read Sample Codes
In your free time read sample codes from internet as much as possible. There are varieties of codes and examples are available on internet. Don’t just read from there but also implement examples to check out the output.
In my opinion coding is not an easy task. So keep calm and give your precious time to it. After selecting a write path (language, framework) just give time to it by practicing day by day. Programming is just like mathematics you cannot learn it without practicing so practice a lot to learn programming. No matter how long will it take to learn programming languages just do it with passion and you will be succeeded.
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