Music industry
Top 15 Music Industries in the World

Cast your mind back into the first half of 2020. Besieged (because we all were)…

Physical science
What Is Physical Science

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Physical sciences are those subjects that aim to reveal the fundamental…

natural science
What Is Natural Science

Photo by Anthony 🙂 Natural science provides the basis for understanding the natural world and…

What Is Zoology

Photo by Monique Laats The animal Science which studies the classification, social interaction, composition and…

Difference Between Source Code and Object Code

Photo by Pixabay Source code: The program is written in high-level language is known as…

What is mathematics?

Photo by Nothing Ahead Mathematics came from the Greek word mathema means knowledge. The branch…

What Is Physics

Photo by The branch of science, that gives the knowledge of physical properties and…

compiler and interpreter
Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

Photo by Markus Winkler They all are translators and used to convert source code into object code. The…

What is Chemistry

Photo by Chokniti KhongchumThe branch of science which refer the study of matter and energy along with…

What is Biology

Photo by Monstera ProductionThe study of livings entity along with their vital processes is called…