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Top 5 Vitamins for Boosting Energy Levels Naturally

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There are days when one feels rather lethargic and weak. However, it can be easily improved just by adding certain nutrients to the body.

Here is the list of five vitamins that, collectively, are known for their energy-boosting properties.

1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential in maintaining healthy cells in the nerves DNA production and red blood cells. It catalyzes food into energy, so it should be present in anyone with the symptoms of fatigue.

A deficiency may even cause a person to develop anemia, which makes them feel weak and easily tired. You can get Vitamin B12 from animal-based products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. For vegetarians and vegans, cereal fortified with B12 and nutritional yeast can also supply them with this vitamin.

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine and catalyzes more than 100 enzyme reactions in the human body. It is closely involved in protein metabolism, along with carrying out energy-producing functions.

B6 assists in taking in food, breaking it down into glucose, which is the source of energy for the body, and further helps in neurotransmitter production that regulates the mood and energy level.

It is found in chickpeas, bananas, potatoes, and salmon. Thus, it ensures that an appropriate amount is received and helps to eliminate fatigue, consequently enhancing one’s overall energy.

3. Vitamin C

This vitamin is greatly recommended for its immune-boosting factor, although it also plays a quite significant role in the production of energy. It helps the absorption of iron that one takes from plant-based foods, which is very essential in the transportation of oxygen in the blood.

Lack of vitamin C can cause anemia leading to tiredness and weak sluggishness. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C. These all can improve your energy levels and vitality.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin.” Although a very important vitamin in terms of the health of the bones and the immune system, it has even been documented to influence energy levels.

Low vitamin D levels cause fatigue and some mood disorders. This is a vitamin that can be synthesized by sunlight exposure to the skin but can be highly inadequate for many people, especially during winter months.

The best dietary sources of this vitamin are fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks. If you’re not getting enough sun, think about supplements to help you get to optimal levels and then maintain them.

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5. Magnesium

Though not a vitamin, magnesium is an important mineral that does support the process of producing energy. It aids in food conversion to energy while also playing a part in muscle functioning, nerve transmission, and keeping the heart at its healthy rhythm. Low levels of magnesium can make a person feel extremely fatigued and crampy in muscles. Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and even whole grains are all very rich in magnesium. Ensuring you get enough can therefore increase your energy levels and reduce that tired feeling.


You must include these vitamins in your diet and enjoy natural energy. Eat foods that are high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to attain healthy well-being. Should you feel a need to replenish one or more of them, consult a professional physician on what you should do with medical tests and supplementation. Use all of these natural energy boosters to remain healthy and ready for the day!

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